
How important are social media influencers to brands?

Highly successful businesses and companies often adopt social influencers with a large following to help brands grow and getting to this point is essential if you want to dominate your niche.

There are a number of ways that you can grow your business to this point and utilising social influencers can be a highly effective method.

In doing this, businesses entrust online socially savvy individuals with their brand, who have an affinity with their target audience and can reach them effectively with the right kind of messaging.

Let’s take a look at how you can find the right social media influencer for your business and what to look out for!

Relevance, Reach & Resonance

Making sure your influencer’s audience is relevant to your product or service is of vital importance, otherwise it will be a wasted effort. For example, if you sell vegan products and you take on an influencer who has a large following of vegan lovers then the chances are that this will be a success.

It is also worth considering the potential reach of your influencer, based on how many followers that they have, though conversely, quantity isn’t necessarily quality if it is just sales you are pursuing. It is highly effective though, if you are just trying to spread awareness.

Knowing how much engagement you are going to get via social media influencers is also something that is worth factoring in. How a post resonates with a social media following can have a big impact, especially if it has the power to go viral, with likes and shares, though ultimately get your business more followers.

Who are you trying to influence?

By developing audience personas, it will help you to understand exactly the type of people that you want to influence, especially when you have a better idea of characteristics and behaviours.

Once you have done this, it will be easier to find the right kind of social media influencers, as the likelihood is that they will have an audience that match the kind of personalities that you have drawn up.

Trust is key

Every metric is superficial without trust. Regardless of how many likes and shares, unless your influencer’s audience trusts them the results are meaningless.

People buy people at the end of the day and influencer must command the respect of your target market, otherwise it is a pointless exercise.

Consistency alignment

It is important that any social media influencer that you bring on, has the same tone of voice and whose content reflects the exact feel as your own. In essence, they are an extension of your business and as such must be in-sync with how you do things.

Sponsorship saturation

Too many paid posts can quickly reduce engagement rates with your target audience. Even your influencer will advise against these, especially if they occur too often, regardless of how many perks that you throw at them.

Any good influencer’s top priority will be to maintain a good relationship with their followers and spamming them with sponsored content on a daily basis counteracts this. Plenty of organic content will keep your target audience interested, enthusiastic and engaged, though above all, help to position your business as a credible brand worth paying attention to.

Prior preparation prevents poor performance

In other words, research! Find out what you can about the influencer that you hope to be in partnership with and how big a following that they have. In-demand influencers receive a lot of offers in their particular niche and have earned the right to be picky about who they work with.

They will also do their fair amount of research, so it is always worth making sure that you have as much information as possible available for them to be able to make a decision about whether they want to pursue a partnership.

Reach out!

Instead of a sponsored email campaign, try sending a personalised message to the influencer that you would like to partner with. Do your research on them and let them know your thoughts about their work and why you think they would be a good match.

This shows that you have gone the extra mile to make them feel like you know them and could be the start of a promising long term relationship.

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